Above images researched by Mihika Row, Maria George, Madhulika Mohan and Nikhila Nanduri. Students from the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology.
Do you have a personal, desired, imagined, or lived 'Action Hero' response to experiences of sexual violence?
Guidelines and parameters:
It could include text saying NO and or I Never Ask For It .
Your visual response to building Action Heroes could take the form of a comic strip, poster, a series of facebook profile photos, gifs, stickers.
You are the author and creator.
i) Select images could be a gift to press stock images, so that
they can use these images instead of the 'crouched shamed victim' - the story that is told and perpetuated.
ii) Making new imagery could inspire new narratives.
This is your script. Imagine. Desire. Create.
Assert. Insert. Occupy. Action Hero Imagery.
Hosted on the blank noise page/ website/ blog
Select imagery could be on t shirts, posters, walls.
iii) We can ideate more possible desired futures of this project together. Send in your thoughts)
Guidelines to consider
- Believes there is no excuse for sexual violence.
- Refuses victim blame; to blame or be blamed.
- Takes agency and collective ownership to end sexual violence
- Fights fear
- Negotiates risk
- Is self confrontational- questions her/ his/ their bias and values.
- Seeks peaceful, non violent ways of tackling sexual violence.
Medium- no restriction
Size- . (not strict but preferable 6 + inches width, 300 DPI, RGB Mode).
Format- JPEG / TIFF
Add a title
Add your name : Action Hero ____
Email : blurtblanknoise@gmail.com
With love,
Blank Noise Team