The ‘patriarchal protector’
cannot fight a virus.
“May all persons be mothers.
Regardless of gender, sexuality or life choices.
May all build capacity to care and nurture.
May we be mothers to the earth, trees, co strangers, to ourselves, our friendships.To those like us and unlike us. Known and unknown.
Being maternal is taught and learnt ,
and it gives me hope for the world.
To the patriarch :
I know ‘you’ feel a lot. You just don't know how to express it.
I am told that you never grew up with tools, resources, role models, that gave you
the permission
to build capacity, to care.
You were not allowed to think of it as important.
You just had to ‘man up’ . Too soon. Become the responsible provider.
Providing meant care.
Providing for your clan meant care.
The patriarchal protector cannot fight a virus.
Feminist methodologies and care practice will.
Covid cannot be eradicated without social justice.
It will take each of us. As individuals. As neighbours. As co strangers.
To be a co-stranger where you might be nameless or faceless but not devoid of a relationship or responsibility of care.
As colleagues.
As heads of Institutions.
Employees. Citizens. Nations. World Leaders. To Leap
Towards #BuildingCareCapacity.
Covid asks us to act with compassion. Empathy and Care
For all.
For those like us and unlike us.
Known or unknown.
For those near us and far away. This is solidarity.
Covid 19 is asking us to be new kinds of Action Sheroes and Heroes.
Growing questions that we wish to explore as part of the tweetathon:
What do we notice about care? What were the unexpected ways in which you received care from someone known or unknown, since covid?
i) What were the ways in which you consciously practiced care towards another known to you? ii) In what ways did you consciously practice care towards someone unknown to you?
How has covid shaped your idea, understanding or practice of care ?
What is your relationship with self care and covid ?
How would you like to be cared for ?
How do we as individuals, and communities learn to practice care, especially at a time when larger institutional bodies are yet to figure it out?
What will it take to shift public consciousness towards care?
Can we rely on individual consciousness and care alone? What in the absence of consciousness - can care practice be made visible to become a social norm ? What is the new normal you dream of ?
Is the industry or institution you are associated with building care capacity? What does it look like ?
Is your organisation building care capacity ? What does it look like ? How did your organisation have to reimagine care ?
How is your country building and implementing care capacity ?
What kind of world do we envision when we , across geographies, institutions, industries and identities commit to building the capacity to care?
You are invited to participate or co curate by emailing in at
We cannot move towards an equitable future without care.
Covid and social justice urges us to build care capacity in multitudes.
#BuildingCareCapacity is built in partnership with Project Visible.
#BuildingCareCapacity is a 24 hour global tweetathon inviting responses to the shifts in care practices across the world since COVID. The project invites global/ local responses to what we notice in the frame work of care, to our understanding and need for care in repair. The project creates space to re-imagine feminist futures fuelled by values of ‘care for all’ .
It will be built by a team of 24 or more curators across time zones and geographies, each localising the conversation on building care capacity.
This event is scheduled for 2021. Date to be announced soon.
How Are You ?
Project #HowAreYou? is part of #BuildingCareCapacity amongst co strangers.