The Action Shero Hero Theyro
Volunteer OR Intern

Every individual has the ability, potential and power
to end gender-based violence. Are you ready to step into your Action Theyro/Shero/hero role?

Action Hero Volunteers or Interns, have been instrumental in building the community by bringing in their lived experience, intention, and skills, to make change, and take agency in ending violence against women and girls.


Blank Noise Internship is for a total duration of four months. (3 months at Bangalore office and 1 month independent)  OR a 1 month internship. 
Internship focus: Project " I Never Ask For It ".


A Blank Noise Volunteer position is a 3 month commitment, which can be renewed. All Action Hero Volunteers must attend weekly Work Jams every Saturday, in addition to other days they may choose to volunteer on. 

Before you sign up, know more about the process and what it means to be an Action Hero:

Action Heroes have volunteered with Blank Noise from different locations across the world and India. Above is a world map of Action Heroes up till March 2018.

Blank Noise Infographic-01.jpg

Apply to be an Intern or Volunteer Here

Action Hero Interns/ Volunteers can sign up from anywhere in India and the world. 

To view form on mobile, visit this link

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