Action Sheroes / Theyroes / Heroes claim the words #AkeliAwaaraAzaad . — Blank Noise

अकेली आवारा आज़ाद 

अकेली आवारा आज़ाद  •

Akeli Awaara Azaad

On Her Own. Unapologetic. Free

On Her Own. Unapologetic. Free •

What do the three words Akeli Awaara Azaad evoke for you?
In what ways are each of us negotiating the given (and shifting) environments of patriarchy?#AkeliAwaaraAzaad invites lived interpretations to the three words, and invites women, girls, all persons, to unite in our pluralities. Akeli Awaara Azaad takes the form of t shirts and interpretations.

डर से आज़ाद जीना,  हमारा अधिकार है

आप अनजान तो क्या, आप पर भी विषवास करने का भी अधिकार है. 

जैसा आपको , मुझपर

रात को सितारों की चमक में घूमने का अधिकार है

राह चलती रात की रानी को सूंघने का अधिकार है

म्यूजियम ऑफ़ स्ट्रीट वेपन्स ऑफ़ डिफेन्स को दफना देना का अधिकार है

अकेली आवारा आज़ाद जीने का अधिकार है

खुद को  इजाज़त देने का अधिकार हैI

हाँ ओर ना , दोनों का अधिकार है

शरीर में गर्व लिए, डर छोड़ने का अधिकार है I

मैं खुद अपने शरीर की हक़दार हूँ,

यह मानकर जीने का अधिकार है. 

हम एक्शन शीरो निडरता से स्वप्न देखकर

एक नयी हकीकत बनाते हैं

इसमें आप भी शामिल हों

आपक सब का इंतज़ार है

Hum Sab Akele * Hum Sab Eksaath
Each one of us is on her own *We are united

What’s it to you? (For 'Akeli Awara Azaad')

I, just like me, will come and go, scattering hearts
In the scorching noon, not watch step, slip and fall
With blind fingers, on chunks on mud, smear a colour, drown them
Longing for the river, cross seven seas, lose the way

In the sworn letter, I will be words, I will be silence
While composing a song, blunder a slogan, cause a fissure
Suddenly recognize the walls, that stone house, gouge a hole
Finding alone somebody empty, make a carnival of shimmering moons

What one cannot see with eyes open, I will tempt, with eyes shut
What does not happen any more, that mishap, make it re-happen
While coming and going, spend a few nights, in other nights
On the left and right, stretch my hands, touch people, be friends

- Arundhati Ghosh

1500 Action Sheroes/Theyores across over 100 cities in India and beyond, unite in celebration of being on our own, unapologetic, free. #AkeliAwaaraAzaad

In phase 2 of Akeli Awaara Azaad, Blank Noise invites women to articulate Akeli Awaara Azaad in different languages.

Thank you Akeli Awaara Azaads!

Connect at @blanknoiseactionheroes on instagram #AkeliAwaaraAzaad


Akeli Awaara Azaad


On her own, Unapologetic, Free.
T shirts available for sale here

Action Sheroes/ Theyroes/ Heroes, 2018; those who signed up to volunteer and intern at Blank Noise are responsible for the outcome of this campaign. We are grateful to the 2018 team of volunteers/ interns who worked hard to make this happen. They are:

Abhaya Tatavarti
Aditi Mazumdar
Aishwarya Datt
Anadi Sharma
Anil G.C
Ashwati Kartha
Gowtham Kumar
Kavya Iyer
Lisa Keighery
Pratham Ajila
Rahael Wilson
Riddhi Sharma
Rubin Sagar