Action Shero/ Hero/ Theyro Volunteer

Work Jams : Exchange + Collaborate

Blank Noise works with its Action Shero, Theyro, Hero Volunteers, i.e. YOU to keep the projects going. Work Jams are weekly sessions where we strategize, coordinate, plan and execute. Blank Noise is running and envisioning numerous projects that require a range of tasks to be performed, from research, brainstorming, to video documentation and outreach. All skill sets are welcome. 

Volunteering at Blank Noise starts with Work Jams but does not end there. 

(Left to Right) Action Heroes/Sheroes Pratham, Abhaya, Rubin, Lisa and Eeshita

(Left to Right) Action Heroes/Sheroes Pratham, Abhaya, Rubin, Lisa and Eeshita

What is a Work Jam?


The Work Jam is a program designed for Action Sheroes, Theyroes, Heroes who are passionate to contribute, ready to work hard, and offer generosity. An Action Shero, Theyro, Hero Volunteer 3 month cycle asks you to keep 90% of your Saturdays.


1 CYCLE = 3 MONTHS = Min. 9 Saturdays

What happens in a Work Jam?

Each Work Jam is unique. It brings together Action Sheroes, Theyroes, Heroes to meet in person, further the movement to eradicate sexual and gender based violence. Action Sheroes, Theyroes, Heroes, work to meet campaign goals, collaborate, and deep dive into a range of tasks.

In 2018, Work Jams were held in Bangalore only, with volunteers in other regions signing in online . In 2019, the Saturday Work Jam encourages volunteers globally to organise Saturday meet ups with fellow Action Shero, Theyro Hero, volunteers closer to you, followed by a google hangout, or zoom call in with volunteers across the country at the end of day.

Where is a Work Jam held?

Work Jams have been built on the generosity of hosts, also Blank Noise allies across the city. Work Jam hosts are integral to the success of the weekly meet.

No. of Work Jams organised since April 2018:
20 Work Jams

No. of Action Heroes Mobilised Since April 2018: 
 +20 Action Heroes

Blank Noise projects built:
I Never Ask For it
Reporting To Remember
Meet To Sleep
Akeli Awaara Azaad


(Cycle 1) Work Jam #12 
30 June #ReportingToRemember

(Cycle 1) Work Jam #3 
21 April #ReportingToRemember

(Cycle 2) Work Jam #1 
7th July #ReportingToRemember

Work Jam Partners + Hosts


Become an ALLY, HOST THE Work Jams.

  • Are you an organisation that believes in furthering the movement against gender based and sexual violence?

  • Can you contribute a section of your space between 11am to 4pm, a Saturday a month, to Blank Noise Work Jams?

  • All we ask for is seating space and internet.

Send us a message if you'd like to host our next Work Jam!