I am a woman
“no ur not…ur justa girl”
“ur a girl..behave like one”
“gosh u look like a boy”
I have a face
“ur so cute”
“colgate smile”
“ewww..metal mouth!”
“nice nose”
“u have a funny nose”
“your skull has a weird shape”
“nice thick hair”
“madam your hair needs to be smoothened. You could also try L’Oreal’s latest hair colour”
I have a body
“hey miss matchstick”
“nice ass”
“did he say ‘nice ass’ to you…hahaha…where is it..show me!!!”
“he grabbed your ass???? On the streets! Wtf!”
“girl…men wont give a damn unless you have big boobs!”
“snigger snigger..so are u anorexic?..snigger snigger”
"wow..you look like a french model!”
I wear clothes
“ur skinny, u can pull anything off.”
“please don’t ever wear a sari till you put on some weight!”
“oh my god..that cb bitch…what kinda clothes does she wear?”
"wow...nice clothes!"
“if u wear t-shirts like that..you will attract unwanted attention. So stop making a big deal
about harassment in the workplace”
“u look so sweet in shorts..wish I had the guts to wear them!”
“what, you left your dupatta at home?”
I hate dupattas…they are potential killers
“yeah u say that cos u aint graceful enuff to carry it off”
“they are lajja vastras..don't you know??”
I hate duppattas even more….
I believe in God
“U cannot go to the temple if you have your periods”
“Navarathri is a celebration of shakti…of the ardhanareshwari”
“how can they emulate Krishna..such a flirt!”
“that they made Sita do an agneepareeksha..”
“Sita needed the lakshman Rekha to stay within her limits”
God has created me - a beautiful wonderful woman
“hey ugly”
“she called you ugly? Don’t feel bad…have u not heard the story of the ugly duckling?”
“hey beautiful”
“pretty boy!”
“you are beautiful…and I love you”
“hi sexy”
“I used to think ur pretty, now I only see you as someone really smart."
“happy puppy”
I am….what I am…
As for what you say, I really don't give a damn!
I am me, constant self
I am me, ever changing self.
This article was composed for the blank noise blogathon, but please note that only certain parts of it deal with harassment. Its more about being a woman, reflecting on womanhood, the good times, the bad times, the uncomfortable times, the soft, the sweet, the rough…. but more importantly, it's a celebration of womanhood, to take in the smirks and the smiles, the punches and the caresses, the colours and contrasts, and continue to love every single moment of being a woman.
Happy Women’s day!
Action Hero Chitra