
An Invitation To You From The Hahaha Sangha Action Heroes

Have you ever woken up smiling?

This is what Saturday mornings are beginning to feel like...

Hahaha Sangha Action Heroes 
are committed to building a safe neighbourhood through laughter, friendship, people knowing.
Because breaking stereotypes, establishing personhood, enabling acceptance of diverse realities is fundamental to making a place safe.

Step in your Action Hero shoes. Say hello to those vocal chords and fellow Action Heroes 
every Saturday morning from 9 am - 10 am. 
Location: Yelahanka ( exact location in Yelahanka will be shared on confirmation)
* To initiate a Hahaha Sangha in your neighbourhood, write in actionhero@blanknoise.org 

A personal invitation from Action Heroes Yashoda, Sampige and Vira here in this blog post.

Hahaha Sangha Saturdays initiated by Yelahanka Action Heroes !


HaHaHa Sangha led by The Yelahanka Action Heroes was re initiated, today, November 19th, 2016  after a three year break! We are thrilled to re convene.  Hahaha Sangha will meet every Saturday at 9 am.  (Link to view the first Hahahah Sangha cycle)

Action Hero Yashodra ( President of the Sangha)
Action Hero Sampige ( Hahaha Sangha Mantri/ Minister)
Action Hero Chandramma
Action Hero Padma
Action Hero Vira
Action Hero Renuka
Action Hero Frauke
Action Hero Vishal
Action Hero Victoria
Action Hero Usha
Action Hero Radha
Action Hero Amrita
Action Hero Ratnamma
Action Hero Jasmeen




Witch like









I know you.
I see you .
I love you.
I thank you. 

Action Heroes Co Create Safe Spaces.

Initiate a Hahahah Sangha where you live.
Be a Neighbourhood Action Hero.
Connect. Mobilise. Occupy. Laugh.

reach out actionhero@blanknoise.org

Yours truly,
Blank Noise Team

Hahaha Sangha Saturdays initiated by Yelahanka Action Heroes !


HaHaHa Sangha led by The Yelahanka Action Heroes was re initiated, today, November 19th, 2016  after a three year break! We are thrilled to re convene.  Hahaha Sangha will meet every Saturday at 9 am.  (Link to view the first Hahahah Sangha cycle)

Action Hero Yashodra ( President of the Sangha)
Action Hero Sampige ( Hahaha Sangha Mantri/ Minister)
Action Hero Chandramma
Action Hero Padma
Action Hero Vira
Action Hero Renuka
Action Hero Frauke
Action Hero Vishal
Action Hero Victoria
Action Hero Usha
Action Hero Radha
Action Hero Amrita
Action Hero Ratnamma
Action Hero Jasmeen




Witch like









I know you.
I see you .
I love you.
I thank you. 

Action Heroes Co Create Safe Spaces.

Be a Neighbourhood Action Hero.
Initiate a Hahahah Sangha where you live.
Connect. Mobilise. Occupy. Laugh.
Reach out actionhero@blanknoise.org

Yours truly,
Blank Noise Team

Hahaha Sangha tool kit for Action Hero Neighbourhoods

About: Hahaha Sangha is an intergenerational community space within a neighbourhood , with the intention to be visible, enable familiarity hence safety. 

Hahaha Sangha is an initiative of Blank Noise;  a global network of  'Action Heroes' committed to building safe spaces/ cities. The first Hahahah Sangha was created in Yelahanka in 2012, with students of Srishti School of Art Design and Technology and with local residents . Together they formed Yelahanka Action Heroes
All members of the Hahahah Sangha identify as 'Action Heroes'.  The president of the Hahaha Sangha is Action Hero Yashoda. Hahaha Sangha Mantris include: Renuka, Sampige, Reba, Vishaka , Arushi.

Why the Hahaha Sangha ?
Because we pledge to be visible, fight fear, occupy space, and take a step towards creating safe and welcoming neighbourhoods. Hahaha Sangha establishes familiarity, builds comfort, reduces threat.

How do we create a Hahaha Sangha ?
1.Form a primary group of not less than 3.
2. Identify a park in your neighbourhood. 
3. Go door to door inviting local residents from across communities, background, age groups, sexualities to join the Hahahah Sangha

You could break this process into two parts but remember to be welcoming, inviting, warm and friendly, specially since you're proposing a Hahaha Sangha

1) approach people you already have a little bit of familiarity with, could be the lady selling tender coconut, the 'aunty' running a tailoring shop, beauty parlour, women you see everyday at the same bus stop ?

2) try your luck with someone you don't know at all. aproach them on the streets. For example it could be someone on their way to a temple, yoga class.

How do we invite them?
At first its important that the people invited see the invitation as merely to a laughter club for women and individuals from across sexualities. 

Who do we invite? Can we invite men ?
Men can be there too , but our primary focus is to create a space for intergenerational women to come together. We want to be inclusive of languages, age groups, socio economic background.

Why should anyone join?
Because it is a lot of fun. 

How often and when can we do this?
While you are welcome and encouraged to create this as often as you can, we would like for you to register with us at  _____ info coming up_______ and commit to building this every saturday. We will also be announcing calendar events for the same to occur across regions worldwide on the same day. 15th November, 2014 Saturday.

Does it have to be in a park?
If you're in a neighbourhood, it would make sense to build this is in a park. The Sangha is also an intimate space and sometimes neighbourhood parks can enable that environment.

How long does a Hahaha Sangha session last?
Min 30 minutes. Max 1 hour.

Is it laughter yoga?
No it isn't laughter yoga because the Hahaha Sangha is positioned to build safe spaces, through a network of Action Heroes, i.e you who chose to unlearn fear, laugh out loud, occupy space, claim visibility.

What if people around me get disturbed by the laughter?
Invite them.

Any does and don'ts ?
Do include. Don't exclude.
You are required to send in ten high res photographs of each session. Video is an additional welcome! We would be thrilled to share your reflections on the blog.

Any tips and tricks to make the Hahaha Sangha ?
Include conversations in gibberish , work out the 'chudail laugh' ( the witches laughter). We will send you a detailed version with tips and tricks included when you register with us.

Where else can it be if there is no park?
You decide. Could be under a big banyan tree. A car park or garage.  Near an abandoned post office ?  There are many possibilities. The space should feel inclusive, so please refrain from selecting sites of religious significance. 

Hahaha Sangha : Tibetan Community In Exile Action Heroes

We're thrilled to build the 'Action Hero- I Never Ask For It ' workshop with members of the Tibetan Womens Association.  That's 60 all newAction Heroes! 

The workshop was held in McLeodganj, Dharamshala as part of TWA's 'Training of Trainers programme'.  More about TWA here .  We will be sharing photos and details of the entire workshop in the next couple blog posts. .

Action Heroes in the Tibetan Community in Exile also launched the Hahaha Sangha at the Mcleodganj square on August 7th.  Photos below. 

#SafeCityPledge #HahahaSangha

Pledge to occupy space. To Laugh out Loud. #HahahaSangha #SafeCityPledge

Team: Yelahanka Action Heroes ( Blank Noise locality specific initiative )
Video edit : Rahul Singh
Thank you- Srishti School of Art Design and Technology/ citizens of Yelahanka, Bangalore + Yelahanka Action Heroes

HaHaHa Sangha is a pledge to occupy public spaces and laugh out loud.
It is built on the existing idea of a laughter club. This is the first time we've initiated setting up an all women space, not because we support or promote segregation, but
because this was a genuine attempt to set new rules for public behaviour through collective action. Being fearless is a process. Learning to unlearn warnings. To stretch. Laugh. Relax. #ActionHeroes reported feeling happy through the day too.

You can start a Hahaha Sangha in your locality. Drop in an email at blurtblanknoise at gmail dot com.