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BLANK NOISE PROJECT will intervene on the streets of Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai between the 3rd and the 10th of Decemeber

Are you ready to be a Blank Noise Action Hero?

Email us at, with your, ' city name/ Action Hero'.

Mumbai will have two events over both sundays.The first event is on Sunday, Dec 3rd at Andheri Station, 5 pm sharp.

Participants include: 1. Pallavi Sen 2. Nisha Chandwani 3. Varsha Chandwani 4. Riya Kartha 5. Suparna 6. Sowmya 7. Rajvi Mariwala 8. Deepa 9. Aurina Chatterjee

Bangalore: Dec 10th.

Delhi: Dec 8th. Blank Noise partners with Jagori.

(Hyderbad & Chennai to be announced)

Who is an action hero?
A Blank Noise Action Hero is a super woman who has dealt with street sexual harassment by not ignoring or avoiding it but through confrontation and by taking agency.