Anu Karripal

Location city/ place unknown.

Usually I walk slower, my friends say. One, because I have tiny legs. Another, mostly I will be with a camera looking for details around me. But in the night, never.  I’m always in haste. With my tiny legs I sometimes have to run to catch up with friends. Once while in Mumbai, I went with my friends to Haji Ali Dargah and the photographer in me was like yayyyy!! I started clicking standing, sitting and jumping. And then suddenly, N (my friend) caught my hand, saying “not here Anu, not now”. And that’s the story every night I go out, I can’t click. I’m always running.

Last Sunday was different. I decided I would walk, slowly. I saw the city that I often missed out while running. I experienced late evening giving away to night, which I always saw from the side window of C-307. In the night, a new dawn.