Almost all girls/women are subjected to this indignity at some point in their lives.My 'experience' with eve-teasers began when i was merely 9-10 years old.As i grew up in a small town in U.P.i faced awkward situations many times and always associated them with confusion...a feeling of being contaminated and also one of sheer helplessnes until one day when i refused to take it anymore.I was on the railway station waiting to confirm my ticket with my parents standing nearby. in the whole confusion a tall hefty guy crept up behind me and felt my bum.I felt so violated and the pent up anger of many years rose up in me. i refused to let it go...i turned around and he, sensing my movement started to turn away..i hit him on the shoulder and back ..any part that i could grab but he was tall and muscular. he ran away...but i feel satisfied in the belief that he would definitely think twice before attempting this again.

Location: Allahabad railway station
time: 8:30 pm
current age: 27
age at time of experience: 21

Champakali felt anger.

Posted 29th June 2008