Being 11

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The Birthday Party, that I never attended.

When I was 11, I was supposed to go for a birthday party at Mc.Donalds. But some misunderstanding happened and my dad dropped me at a wrong branch of Mc.Donalds. I went inside and discovered that there was no party here and begin to worry. Even though this branch was very close to my house I was alone and scared. So I called up my dad from the telephone booth across the road and asked him to pick me up. I have to describe what I was wearing, I wore a short skirt, and a boat neck top with a butterfly sticker tattoo near my neck. All in pink. YES, that!  And I got a few stares and whistles while I was waiting for my dad to come. I was so uncomfortable, nervous and almost in tears. My dad came soon and picked me up safely. As soon I sat in the car, I burst into tears at the awkwardness of the incident.

Action Shero ANONYMOUS

Place: New Delhi