The Work Jam Program

The Blank Noise Work Jams consists of a 4 step program starting from initiating new volunteer applicants to executing real tasks and live interventions. These programs are woven into each Work Jam session based on the need of the hour and the dynamics of the team. 

1. Action Hero Orientation

Learn about the processes of Blank Noise.
Learn what inspired others to join Blank Noise.

The first Saturday of the Work Jam cycle is dedicated to Action Hero Orientation. The Orientation Program is a short but intensive introduction to the Blank Noise community and projects. Action Heroes are invited to share their motivations, expectations and capabilities for the 3 month volunteer process and more.


2. Building Safe Spaces

To learn and unlearn.
To listen, not judge.
To say I Never Ask For It.

Listening Circles, as part of the I Never Ask For It mission, invites Action Heroes to delve deeper into why they wish to build the I Never Ask For It mission. Action Heroes are encouraged to bring in their garments, as witness and memory of sexual assault/ threat/ intimidation experienced by them. The community listens and shares in solidarity, furthering the vision towards ending gender based and sexual violence, together.


3. Initiating Conversation

Conversation can create impact

As part of the 'Action Hero Dialogues' volunteers initiate open conversations about anything under the sun, but in the context of sexual and gender based issues. Action Hero Dialogues could include topics ranging from Flirting, Mental Health to Patriarchy in our homes. These topics are decided before the Work Jam.

As part of the #AkeliAwaaraAzaad Campaign, Action Heroes interpreted the 3 words and articulated what it meant to be On your own, Unapologetic and Free. 


4. Live Action

Interventions outside and within.

Work Jams can also be intensive work sessions, where the community comes together and is assigned tasks towards ongoing projects like 'I Never Ask For It', Reporting to Remember (Research) to organizing the next Meet to Sleep (Interventions) or conducting mini interventions as well! The team has built campaigns like #AkeliAwaaraAzaad through public outreach and back end labour like labelling and packaging parcels. Live Actions invite Action Heroes to get their hands dirty and dive deep into the process of making an intervention an impactful one.

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Live Actions also include mini interventions like the 'I Never Ask For It' walk where Action Heroes invited park goers in Cubbon Park, Bangalore to contribute to the 'I Never Ask For It' evidence board. 
