Reporting to Remember : The Team
An estimate of + 100 Action Sheroes/Heroes/Theyroes Have built and are building Reporting To Remember since 2009:
Reporting To Remember has been built by multiple collaborators from members of the Blank Noise community, class led research projects, to Blank Noise internship projects and Fellowship Programs. The archive also envisions to be built by multiple collaborators including fellow activists, feminist organisations and collectives in India and globally.
Credits and Contributions since 2009 include:
Action Shero/hero/Theyro VOLUNTEERS
Insiya Poonawala
Sascha Hughes-Caley
Rishita Nandagiri
Urvashi Bahuguna
Abhisikta Dasgupta
Vaibhav Bhawsar
Preethi G
Nilofar Shamim Haja
Rupali Arora
Ishani Ghose
Riddhi Sharma
Abhaya Tatavarti
Rubin Sagar
Pratham Ajila
Aishwarya Datt
Action Shero Lisa
Prachi Kardam
Anadi Sharma
Manpreet Singh
Swati Khaitan
Diya Pinto
Rashi Sinha
Koninika roy
Avani Tandon Vieira
Nirbheek Chauhan
Pallavi Malhotra
Vira Mistry
Eeshita Kapadiya
Riddhi Sharma
Feminist Allies
Hollaback, Buenos Aires
Amalie M. Vikse
Atreyee Majumder
Ameya Gutta
Lijya Perayil
Rahael Wilson
Students of Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology
Students of Grinnell College, IOWA, USA
Ways to collaborate
Students can apply to intern or volunteer at Blank Noise to build the Reporting To Remember Project and Archive, here.
If you have a report to share, and would like to add to the Reporting To Remember archive as an individual, you can do so here.
If you are a feminist organisation/ collective, or looking to collaborate in other ways , register to be a feminist ally here.
The Current Team of Reporting To Remember Project
September 2018 - ongoing
Blank Noise is working with the Ashoka University Young India Fellows from September 2018 to May 2019. The Young India Fellow Team has been involved in the research, mapping, reviewing meta data and setting up a research methodology.
The team is also working towards the dissemination of Reporting To Remember Archive via a public intervention.
Anand is looking at news stories coming out of the UK as well as reports highlighting how the blame narrative is propagated by different agencies e.g. police, media, immediate neighborhood of the victim etc, and how such narratives exist everywhere and in turn creates a culture where sexual harassment is normalized for growing up girls and boys.
Salik has worked on researching and documenting cases of victim blaming in the Middle Eastern region. He has looked at individual stories, and also tried to understand why certain sexist laws existed and how policy changes have tried to tackle discrimination against women.
Shivangi has worked on adding stories of India to the archive of reports that perpetuate the system of victim blaming. She has also contributed in ideating and planning the further course of action in this project and structuring it according to the plans decided.
Shubham has worked on understanding the narrative around victim blaming in Europe. With the team of five, he has also worked on structuring the project and making it more accessible.
Snigdha has worked on understanding the narrative of blame in South India. Apart from research, she has contributed toward analysis and structuring of the project.